Sometimes I still find it difficult to understand how he was so "in control" and found sane
Sorry if this has been covered previously! Recently, my interest was reawakened in the case and I had some thoughts.
I realize that he knew what he was doing was wrong, and that just because he committed "bizarre" acts doesn't mean he was insane. Still, it seemed like there was a significant amount of evidence to suggest that towards the end of his killing spree, he was losing control and was not able to conform his conduct.
Some examples (I may be missing some):
- The large amount of evidence he kept and the risk of doing do
- He kept skulls/body parts and his killing equipment in his apartment, even after knowing that the building superintendent and other residents had noticed the odors several times. A door in the complex was knocked down because of this. While he was at work or away from his apartment, someone who worked for the complex or police could have easily knocked his door down and discovered the evidence if they had probable cause to.
2. Leaving victims alone in his apartment
- He left victims who he had drugged and who could have easily awoken alone in his apartment. During the Konerak incident, he left Konerak alone after being drugged and drilled, and he made it a block away where tons of people saw him. Somehow just because he was able to fool homophobic police officers this is evidence that he was just cunning. This could also apply to Weinberger since he left him in the apartment alone while we went off to work. I don't agree that just because he was intelligent it means he was sane.
3. The effects of alcohol during his last killings
- With his last couple of victims and after he lost his job, he was drinking every day rather than just on the weekends when picking up victims. I believe the effects of alcohol during his last killings should have been emphasized more. Even Dietz brought up that during his last killings, he was drinking heavily, but he wouldn't outright say that Dahmer was out of control because that would hurt the prosecution. It almost sounds like that was what he was implying but the prosecutor tried to divert him away from that real quick.
4. The fact that the whole temple + "zombie" issues weren't taken into account or explored fully by the prosecution doctors
- It seems like most of the prosecution witnesses completely dismissed the temple/shrine ideas and wouldn't admit to this being (clearly) delusional behavior. Also, I don't know if Dr. Fosdal was just getting frustrated during his cross-examination, but his saying that Dahmer would have stopped killing if he could've made a zombie is still unbelievable to me. Based on the questions after that, it seemed like he hadn't even explored what Dahmer had in mind regarding this.
The defense failed because they focused too much solely on the bizarreness of his acts. (Also while the defense experts were all intelligent, besides Dr. Becker, their composure on the stand wasn't the best.)
I think the ideal situation would have been for him to have been found insane for some of the murders (particularly the ones where alcohol was not being used to just lower inhibitions) so he could've been treated at a mental institution and then sent to prison to serve his sentence. On the other hand, I realize how this could have been offensive to those victims' families if he were found not responsible for some.
When I first researched the case years ago, I thought it was a slam dunk for the prosecution. However, according to some articles, more jurors initially thought he was insane. In the end, there were only two dissenting jurors who still thought he was insane.
They had a very difficult job to do, but I feel like it may have been pressured to find him sane. This was in the early 90s when many racially charged events were happening, so a mostly white jury could've felt that finding him insane would have led to intense backlash. They also could have feared that by sending him to a mental institution he may have gotten out eventually, which I highly doubt would have ever happened. I wish we could've gotten more insight into their thoughts and decision-making process.
I'd love to hear your thoughts!