Would you support a Zero-2-Hero HR option?
After frequenting these forums/the suggestion website for a little while now, it's become apparent that no one could get any big changes implemented to this game for a variety of reasons. That said, if i can't get this added then i think i am finished with the game. IM's decisions are bafflingly bad sometimes and it's becoming apparent the direction this games headed.
This is the simplest and easiest change Ironmace could implement that would save HR mode as it currently stands.
Their needs to be 2 separate brackets for HR. The first being "-25", and the second being "Any" gearscore rating.
- This would discourage RMT'ers and cheaters from entering because what's the point of hunting you down immediately without a kit on.
- This would even the playing field with everyone starting out equally. It would add an element of RNG to PVP.
- It's very fun to gear-out during a run, compared to just bringing everything in and only caring about PVP. This would actually encourage more PVE which is something the game needs.
- HR would actually be "hardcore" because it's not easy killing some elite/nightmare mobs in a squire kit.