Why do we bring back the bad things?

Why does iron mace feel the need to bring back so many things we disliked about the game? The list goes on at this point. Bringing back the zone is something I thought I would never see again. It was taken away because it was overwhelming disliked and the exits were unpredictable. So why bring it back? Especially why bring it back for hr? It doesn’t do anything but grief runs. I don’t fight more now that it’s back and the rats still rat. Just to list a few things that IM brought back which was taken out due to overwhelming dislike for the player base: 3x3 gc with spawns in every room, multiclassing, taking away flat hp for a faster ttk when the community loved more health, all the balance changes to just be reverted to their original status if not worse, and the list really goes on from there. So why does IM show that they are listening by taking these things out only to return them almost giving people another reason to be done with the season? In the past year alone we gained such a large player base just to lose it due to all these inconsistencies on changes. There are legitimate valid reasons on why these were taken out and bringing these back just seems like self sabotage.