Ranger is obscenely overtuned.

I have played every class to at least level 20 in more than one wipe. Here are my main points:

1 - A purple Long bow does more damage than a fireball. Sure, fireball is an aoe, but having a max of 6 vs. Having 100 or more easily makes up for that. It doesn’t even take a bis kit to have enough dex to sling arrows faster than fireballs. Not to mention that long bows are nearly hitscan.

2 - the RANGED class has backstep and the shotgun ability, unequivocally the two best MELEE range abilities in the game. Backstep is everything that tumble wishes it was. Why does the class that should be ranged focused have the only viable melee dodge ability? You pair that with the reach of spear and even an inexperienced ranger can outplay a melee class.

3 - The shotgun ability is an absolute joke. It was clearly designed to be used as a “shotgun” to shot a spread of arrows to hit multiple targets, hit a target out of invisibility, or hit a fast moving target. Literally nobody uses the ability in this way. It is always used as a two button one shot ability. This at leasts takes an iota of skill to master and game sense to not waste, but it easily makes rangers completely unapproachable.

4 - You can easily stack move speed to just kite away while shooting before committing to some spear and backstep. Its very easy to get agility on ranger which makes kiting and melee with a spear even easier.

So rangers excel at ranged combat and can out dps any other class’ ranged options, and you cant approach them in most situations because they could shotgun you. After that if they are any good at melee, they could easily just beat you with spear/backstep.

How is this not overtuned?