Sorcerer vs Wizard

Friends and I have come back after a looooong break and damn is this game different (alotta good QOL changes tho imo). Was looking into playing a different class, played wizard a little bit but it felt lackluster back then so I played ranger primarily. Saw the new sorcerer. Played it. But the spells feel underwhelming and clunky. Is sorcerer bad? Or is it just more nuanced than wizard? Any insight, small tips or tricks, Or comparisons would be much appreciated! Also side note we almost always play in a 3 stack. I’m never solo so I find it hard to weave spells into combat when I have two melee team mates


For reference, our 3 stack usually consist of me(ranger/wizard/sorc) a barbarian, and a fighter/warlock

Idk if that helps just wanted to put that on here for reference