Got some character ideas for a fan made project I’m wanting to write, what do yall think?

More details on the project itself, if you’re interested:

Characters are (obviously) one of the most important parts of these games, so I’d like your honest, unfiltered critique. I tried to keep the cast somewhat diverse and tried to follow the general TDPA “formula” when it comes to group dynamics. Let me know what you think!


  • Jade Tate: African American female, 31. Lashana Lynch? Cheery, brave, reckless.
  • Matthew Stone: Caucasian male, 34. Jack Green? Romantic, defensive, cautious.


  • Alexis ‘Alex’ Cote: Caucasian female, 32. Siobhan Williams? Headstrong, heroic, abrasive. Very dutiful and takes her job very seriously, often leading the team through rescues. Starts off no-nonsense and abrasive, sort of Rachel-like, but becomes more empathetic as the story progresses and tensions rise. Notably low starting relationship with Drew, being annoyed by his unprofessionalism, and Nate, due to his reluctance to work as a team and his poorly hidden interest in her girlfriend Maddie.
  • Robin Chen: Asian-American female, 27. Constance Wu or Brenda Song? Eager, cautious, hopeful. A newer recruit, this rescue being her first (and maybe last). Often puts her own safety first, but can be courageous when the need arises. Admires Alex, but is also close friends with and romantically interested in Drew.
  • Andrew ‘Drew’ Curtis: Caucasian male, 29. Will Poulter? Relaxed, reckless, witty. Overestimates his own ability, and either learns to think choices through or dies a fool. Particularly unserious, directly clashing with Alex’s no-nonsense attitude. Likes Robin, but as a friend at the start, which can grow into romantic interest throughout the story.
  • Nathan ‘Nate’ Tate: African-American male, 34. Michael Addo? Determined, empathetic, defensive. His sister Jade was part of the team that went missing, so he is personally invested in the rescue. Also a somewhat new recruit. Feels he is always right and refuses to take criticism from others, but learns to work better as a team throughout a story. His slightly arrogant sense of independence and his interest in Maddie makes him not clash well with Alex.
  • Madison ‘Maddie’ Brown: Caucasian female, 30. Jessie Buckley? Irritable, Rational, Insecure. A strong character who can come off as mean but still looks after the team. Learns to control her emotions throughout the story. In an active relationship with Alex, but has been distant from her after a particularly rough argument damaged their bond. Having recently lost her mother in an accident, she empathizes and bonds with Nate over his potential loss, and can either fall in love with him and leave her girlfriend or repair her relationship with Alex.