Is there any utility that your teammates often bring that you absolutely despise, despite it being totally viable?

I was a playing a game earlier with an assail/trauma psyker on the team. I was playing Ogryn, and they just kept clearing hordes so fast, I had nothing in melee for me to maintain toughness by hitting when I needed to, and I was just constantly getting gunned, and anything that did get into melee kept getting knocked down so I was constantly missing attacks and losing momentum. Felt totally useless.

I have no problem with people playing the game how they want to, like, this teammate topped the scoreboard. But wow, I really dislike playing with teammates specifically with this kind of build.

It got me thinking if there was other stuff teammates bring that people get upset with despite it being good.

Edit: Teammate was great, marked loot, communicated, played the objective, etc. Their playstyle just didn't mesh with mine. I'm not here to disparage the guy. The post is about sharing niche annoyances with certain teammates' utility. I like being a good teammate and want to avoid being a neusance wherever I can.