What do you think is the best Berman opening track?
DCB was always great at album sequencing. Tracks flow in a natural, consistent way. Everything feels like it's where it belongs.
So, what's the best opener? I think I'd define best not just by the quality of the song, but also by how effective it is in setting tone for the album and expounding on its themes. Now, the obvious answer is Random Rules, right? That's what I thought. It's a stellar pick. But what about How to Rent a Room? And wait, what about That's Just the Way I Feel? Even Canada is a perfect opener.
Which do you think is best? I think right now, I'm going to go with That's Just the Way I Feel from Purple Mountains. It's hard, especially when How to Rent a Room, Slow Education, Punks in the Beerlight, etc. are in contention. Tell me yours!