The DB has returned

I have lurked in this sub for a while, but it seems like my situation is fairly unique. I (51m) have been married for 22 years and we had a DB pretty soon after we got married. It was somewhat covered up by the fact that my wife is 5 years older than me and she wanted to have kids right away when we got married. Once we had our second child that is when things steadily got worse which is understandable with the 2 kids being close together in age and the stress/fatigue that puts on your sex life. We basically only had sex if a minimum of a month had passed otherwise my advances would be rejected. If it was within the 4-6 week window I would get obligatory sex. We probably had good sex once or twice a year (usually on short vacation away from the kids when they stayed with grandparents). I would periodically talk to her about it and have a come to Jesus meeting with her about how I was not willing to be celibate (I say this because if I didn’t initiate we would easily go a year). Things would improve for a few months and then back to the familiar rut if once a month if I’m lucky. Then 6 years she started to go through perimenopause and was really suffering. A friend told her about HRT and she started getting injections every 3 months. Immediately things changed, her sex drive was better than I had ever experienced. We were having sex 2-3 times a week! Things were great for a few years, but in the last 12-18 months that familiar rut has returned. We are back to once a month only if initiate and she feels guilty because it has been a while. She still likes me to cuddle her in bed, but she ignores that most of the time I am ready to go. I said I was unique because I had a 16 year dead bedroom, then 4 years of fun (the first 2 were amazing and then it has been on a decline) and now I am back to square one. I have not cheated, but I have been tempted to. Reading through this subreddit makes me realize how much I crave affection where she would initiate it even in a non sexual way. She doesn’t like to kiss which has always bothered me. She says,”what are we going to make out like teenagers?” And I say yeah that sounds awesome. I have no intentions of leaving her. I love her very much. We are a good team in many ways and good parents. The fact that we are back here makes me crazy because we got out!