The beautiful Abrams face change was a failed experiment, its time to change it back!
Ever since the Map rework update, Abrams has been just too hot. Every game I go into, I look into his face and I start blushing and his glasses blind me with the sharp anime stare, and I keep losing to him everytime, I think they should revert his look so I can properly play against without any weird chemical feelings, this is unacceptable and is a totally serious critical issue that needs to be fixed that is affecting thousands of deadlockers everytime they see his beautiful face! This is likely the real reason ppl complain about him, its not his gameplay, its his looks distract people and make them lose against him. Please Valve!
Ever since the Map rework update, Abrams has been just too hot. Every game I go into, I look into his face and I start blushing and his glasses blind me with the sharp anime stare, and I keep losing to him everytime, I think they should revert his look so I can properly play against without any weird chemical feelings, this is unacceptable and is a totally serious critical issue that needs to be fixed that is affecting thousands of deadlockers everytime they see his beautiful face! This is likely the real reason ppl complain about him, its not his gameplay, its his looks distract people and make them lose against him. Please Valve!