Rank this person's gameplay
Parvati's gameplays ranked from best to worst. I will put a spoiler tag just in case.
So, now that Parvati is eliminated. I wanted to make a ranking of her appearances based on how well she played; the ranking is sorted from her most to least impressive appearance, and note that there will be spoilers from Survivor and The Traitors. Feel free to comment on your ranking below!
1- Survivor: Heroes vs Villains; Placement: 2/20
I feel like she played the most aggressively this season. Her threat level was exceedingly high, as it was an all-returnee season with the best of the best players. She was targeted by pretty much everyone in the game and still found a way to make it to the finale with subtle flirting, constant backstabbing, and scheming. She was truly a force to be reckoned with; she managed to overcome the predicament of being targeted by 6 players on her tribe in a 6v3 split by putting herself in a favorable position. This was also the season where she successfully managed to vote out Boston Rob, who was overtly wanting Parvati out from the beginning, in addition to her famous double idol play in the merge.
2- Survivor: Micronesia; Placement: Winner
Up until this season, many players were overlooking the power of women. In this season, Parvati has assembled the famous Black Widow Brigade, an all-female alliance, which ultimately made her predominantly known for her infamous nickname "Black Widow" and made the future players get terrified of a potential all-female alliance. Her gameplay was as ruthless and savage as her Heroes vs Villains gameplay. However, she did make some mistakes and got lucky that the format of the final tribal council was changed from final 3 to final 2. Had it been a final 3, Cirie, the woman who got eliminated at the final 3, was unequivocally going to win the game.
3- Deal or No Deal Island S2; Placement: 4/14
Winning 9/10 safety challenges is quite self-explanatory. Her threat level was also very high, even if it wasn't as high as her aforementioned Survivor seasons.
4- Survivor: Cook Islands; Placement: 6/20
This was the first season we got introduced to Parvati, and her gameplay was quite one-dimensional, as well as inadequate. However, she still made it to the final 6 considering that she was in the minority the entire merge. If she made it to the end, she was most likely going to win the game, as she was the most liked player by the jury; she wasn't necessarily a strategic player in this season, but her social game was still on point.
5- The Traitors S2; Placement: 11/22
She was being perceived as a traitor even before she was selected to be a traitor. She was constantly trying to plant some seeds in people's heads and make them become a target. Although she was doing a good job putting heat on other players, it made her look even more guilty considering that many faithfuls already had an opinion of her coming into the game. For most of the time, she had very accurate reads, and she wasn't willing to go down without a fight. However, as far as her social game, she failed majorly; she couldn't focus on forming strong bonds with other players, which led to her getting targeted from very early on.
6- Survivor Winners at War, Placement: 15/20
This was arguably her most disappointing appearance. She played the game way too hard from early on by already trying to blindside strong players in the first tribal council, which made her become a huge target on the next vote. She also didn't really exude her strategic or social side this season. The only players she was interacting with were Boston Rob and Ethan. However, she was obviously swap-screwed when all 4 of the players who she was on the same tribe with had a pre-game alliance that wanted her out. Regardless, she didn't even fight hard to at least make one of them become a target, which led to her getting voted out at the final 14.