There is no such thing as free will, it's all genetics
This can be proven with a simple exercise that you can do yourself at home. Nobody knows why they like what they like.
If we ask ourselves over and over again "why do I like this?", we will eventually come up with answers that seem to be beyond our control. This is because the basis of your interests always points, whether you like it or not, to genetics. For example:
"I like rock music" → "Because it makes me feel energetic" → "Because my brain releases dopamine when I listen to it" → "Because my genetics and my environment predispose me to enjoy certain stimuli."
In this sense, your interests would not be a conscious choice, but the result of a combination of biological and environmental factors that you do not directly control. Just as you cannot choose your sexual orientation, you cannot choose your interests either, they are determined by genetics.
So, does the environment also influence genetics? No, at least not the way you think. The environment does not “create” interests or preferences, but simply predisposes or not to what is already encoded in our genes. For example:
A person with a genetic predisposition to intellectual curiosity could be attracted to mathematics if he has access to books or teachers that allow him to explore that interest. However, if that same person had been born in an environment without intellectual stimulation, his genetic predisposition could manifest itself in another way or simply never discover it unfortunately. That would explain how many people discover after a long time that they like “something” in particular that they would never have thought they would like or that they previously hated.
That is, when faced with a certain environment, genetics will decide how you will react. The environment does not create something new, but rather plays with the cards it already has (genetics).
In conclusion, genetics determine your personality, your possible likes and dislikes, your moods, in short, genetics are you. That is why no one looks the same because we all have different genes. A free will that doesn't allow you to choose the most basic things in the world, like your interests, is simply not free will.
Thanks for reading.