The "A" in AI should stand for "amoral."
I just stumbled across this channel, so bear with me. This is going to be a rant...
Most of the reason for making this post stemmed from a personal recent event. I posted an AI-generated song in a video game subreddit. The song was relevant to the thread's conversation and basically described a crazy cool event that happened to me and some of my friends in-game. The thread creator replied with barfing emojis, saying things about how AI is a "stain on human creativity." I calmly responded by pointing out that AI wouldn't exist if not for human creativity. AI is simply remixing the human talent. In fact, the AI itself is a monument to human intelligence and creativity. I'm no computer expert, but I'm pretty sure that coding AI software is no easy task. The other guy then basically shut me down, saying that the only thing AI would be good for was predicting seizures.
Honestly, I think many people have forgotten that technology like AI is technically amoral. The thing itself isn't good or evil: it's how someone uses it that gets it branded. Music is a pretty powerful influence, and as someone who can only play the radio, these AI resources allow me to take the sounds I compose in my head and make them audible for others to enjoy. The same goes for AI art. It's so frustrating trying to accurately describe something pictured in your head when all you can draw are stickfigures.
The danger comes creeping in when people try to use AI-generated content without proper licensing and claim it as their own, especially if they attempt to make money off of it somehow. Students using AI to write essays and such is also something that I think should be frowned upon. It also has the potential to be a psychological threat as well. I've heard multiple stories about people who became too immersed in AI chatbots and committed s****** because of it.
In summary (if you've stuck around this far, thank you 😁): I support AI because I believe it is a tool that can be used for projects and entertainment that are just fun and/or wholesome. People just need to learn how to use it responsibly. Besides the entertainment aspect, if AI is shut down now, there's so much future potential in other fields that will be lost.
Well, that was my rant. Thoughts or comments, anyone? 🙂