Which skin condition is this?

Posting on behalf of my MIL - we are based in the UK.

My MIL has suffered with dry/cracked/itchy skin on the sole of her foot for 17 years. She has recently been prescribed Betnovate which hasn’t helped and has made the skin itchier. Looking at her toes, I also think she has a fungal nail infection but weirdly there is no smell. Her foot is painful to walk on.

This year, she has developed a dry, red, scaly itchy rash that has started to develop up her leg. It is very itchy and keeps her awake at night and sometimes it bleeds if she scratches too much.

My MIL is a housewife and never wears socks unless to go outside in shoes to the shops etc.

We are going to visit the GP again but should we be asking for a dermatology referral? Please note her other foot is okay.