[ALL] [D2] Hood Strigas is recruiting!
(Mobile formatting sorry)
Looking for a clan? Hood Strigas is looking for more members!
We're a mostly Xbox clan and would prefer Xbox and PC players, though PS players are not discouraged from joining; this is because we like to chill in party chat when we've got the whole squad around, and game chat... well, sometimes it ain't it.
The only requirements we ask for are as follows: • Be 18+ • Have a working mic • Join the clan Discord (link through D2 companion app) • Participate in the clan • Have thick skin/be cool with various kinds of humor
To give a brief tldr about Hood Strigas, we are a mostly PvE-focused clan with an eye for raids, dungeons, and Grandmasters, as well as completing seals. We have a small handful of PvP-oriented folks, so we'd also love to have more! We utilize Discord as our main means of clan communication and scheduling events like raids and teaching runs so we can get the job done.
If you think this clan is a good fit for you, feel free to comment below and/or DM me!