Just how powerful are Guardians???

I’m just gonna cut to the chase by saying; I am a fan of comics and science fiction in general, as well as a huge fan of Destiny lore. I am absolutely crazy for how amazing the Guardians in Destiny are, but one thing bothers me about the Guardians in Destiny. Bungie hardly every goes super in-depth about how their armor is made, or how powerful their weapons are, or how they can take apart a massive Hive ogre like the one in the blind well in a matter of seconds. Unlike most fictional heroes, I can’t find a list of solid feats and stats about Guardians. I know from a bit of armor flavor text that the sheer weight of Titan armor is enough to shatter stone (which I thought was amazing), I also know that Guardian abilities easily atomize most soldier-level opponents like the enemies of humanity we see in Destiny, but what I want to know is how strong are Guardians? Peak human? Superhuman?

How formidable are Guardians when compared to other super soldiers types like Spartans, Warframes, or the Doom slayer? How would a team of six Guardians (two of each class, with all abilities and subclasses ready and available) fare against the Avengers or Justice League? I just want input from others about all my random questions and scenarios. Does anyone else ever get curious about these things too?