Better Buildcrafting - Super Regen Guide
With the Roaming Super buffs of Episode Revenant, Act 2, there has been more confusion than ever about how super energy is generated. This is understandable. It is complicated and almost none of it is described in game. There's also been a few vague changes to the systems that result in what we have today. The categories of Super Energy generation are:
- Passive regen - Intellect
- Active regen:
- Dealing damage and defeating enemies
- Helmet mods
- Orbs
- Bonus effects (Exotics)
This a long guide. If you prefer a video format there is a youtube video linked below. Also this is strictly a PvE Guide as I don't play much PvP. Let's get into each of these categories.
Passive Regen - Intellect
- All cooldowns in game are based on Tier 3 (30 stat points) in their governing stats. For supers this is Intellect.
- Going below Tier 3 gives penalties to passive regen (0 to 31% penalty)
- Going above Tier 3 gives a boost to passive regen (0-31% boost)
- Note that going from Tier 0 to Tier 3 does as much for your regen as going from Tier 3 to Tier 10.
- Intellect generally provides marginal benefit above T3.
- Always try to get 30 Intellect. Not much is needed beyond that. In a pinch, 20 Intellect should be the bare minimum
Active Super Generation - Damage and Defeats
Back around the launch of the 30th Anniversary Collection, a major change was made that pushed super regen away from Intellect to actively dealing damage and defeating enemies. This has become a major portion of super energy generated. Now when the active super gen change was made supers were placed into Four Cooldown Tiers. These Tiers also impacted the super generation rate for Damage and Defeats.
- T1 Supers - 625s - 80% active regen rate
- T2 Supers - 556s - 90% active regen rate
- T3 Supers - 500s - 100% active regen rate
- T4 Supers - 455s - 110% active regen rate
The buffs to roaming super generation only benefits the super energy from damage and defeats; this does not include other active sources like helmet mods, orbs or exotic perks. As given by Bungie, with Revenant Act 2 Roaming Supers were given 3x or 300% active super generation from damage and defeats. Almost all Roaming Supers are T2 Supers so they now get effectively 270% active regen rate. The one exception is Burning Maul, without Pyrogale Gauntlets, which is a T3 super so 300% Active Regen Rate.
Here is a quick reference spreadsheet with the cooldowns and active regen factors for all supers. I will keep this up to date as Bungie makes changes. Image Link Alternative
Now basically what you are doing is converting damage to super energy and this is all about two factors: Efficiency and Damage Per Second (DPS). So there are, of course, even more factors here.
- Primary Weapons are most efficient.
- Special Weapons have a derate somewhere between 25-75% on their efficiency converting damage to super.
- Abilities also have some derate on the super they generate.
- Heavy weapons have the highest derate.
- All of these derate factors vary within the category making it challenging to test.
- Now because DPS ups your efficiency, Exotic Primaries are very valuable because they have an intrinsic 30% buff to damage to basic enemies.
- Kinetic primaries also have a 10% damage buff to non-boss enemies.
- Do not discount Area of Effect effects as DPS is king. This makes weapons like Sunshot super regen monsters in heavy add activities.
- Subclass verbs can help but keep in mind what attributes kills and what doesn't.
- Scorch attributes to the weapon as long as it is the first source of scorch on the target.
- Headstone Crystal shatters do attribute to the weapon.
- Volatile and Jolt and Unravel do not attribute to the weapon.
Active Super Generation - Mods
On your class item the Distribution Mod can give 2-4% super energy on class ability use near enemies. Not a lot but something.
The main mods are the mods on your helmet:
- Dynamo - Use Class Ability near enemies.
- Hands On - Powered Melee Kills
- Ashes to Assets - Grenade Kills.
Hands on and Ashes to Assets are extremely powerful in builds focused on these abilities because these are based on kills and abilities have gotten stronger. Prismatic Transcendence pushes this even further. These mods can be stacked to increase the effect which does feel fairly substantial. Consecration on a crowd of 10 or so enemies with multiple Hands On can give you nearly 65-70% of your super.
Active Super Generation - Orbs
- Arm Mods: Heavy Handed and Firepower
- Class Armor: Reaper and Benevolent Finisher (7.15% super per orb!)
- For Heavy Handed, Firepower and Reaper:
- By default have a 10 second cooldown
- You can stack the mod up to (3) times for a shorter cooldown.
- 2 copies = 5 second cooldown
- 3 copies = 1 second cooldown
- Stacking the mod also increases the orb value
- 1 copy 0.8% super
- 2 copies 1.1% super
- 3 copies 1.25% super
- Use (3) copies for abilities you can spam constantly or that deal continuous damage.
Subclass Fragments
- Spark of Amplitude - Rapid kills when Amplified
- Ember of Wonder - Rapid Ignition kills
- Echo of Harvest - Weakened enemy kills
- Whisper of Bonds - Frozen enemy kills
- Thread of Wisdom - Suspended enemy kills
- Orbs generated by all of the above give 2.5% super energy
- Facet of Generosity - Many kills while Transcendent but creates orbs worth 7.15% super energy.
- All have 10s cooldown where kills don't count.
- Siphon Mods (Helmet) - 2.5% super energy orb on weapon multikill matching element of siphon mod Stacking increases the strength of the orb.
- New Weapon Mod - Synergy - Generates an orb after 12 kills on kinetic weapons
- Attrition Orbs - Normally makes an orb after scoring hits equal to 67%of the magazine +2 rounds. However for area denial grenade launchers like VS Velocity Baton it is based on damage ticks. This thing prints orbs. Don't forget that Banshee currently has a Kinetic Tremors, Attrition Orbs Multimach SMG right now thanks to the perk combo issue.
- Orbs are mostly generated for kills but some supers make orbs when cast or blocking damage.
- Orbs only for allies.
- Orbs from super kills give 7.15% super energy
- Power Preservation (helmet mod) adds even more orbs but with less super energy (2.5% per orb). But with roaming supers this is a fantastic mod.
Active Super Generation - Exotics
I classify Super Exotic effects into 3 categories:
- Refund Exotics - These restore up to 50% of your super typically based on kills or some other effect.
- Super Energy Exotics - These will give you super when you fulfill some condition, usually killing something.
- Super Regen Rate Exotics - These increase your base passive super regen rate and there are only two in the game, both on Warlock.
- Super Refund Exotics
- Celestial Nighthawk (33% on kill)
- Orpheus Rig (up to 50% super)
- Raiju’s Harness (up to 50%)
- Shards of Galanor (up to 50%)
- Spirit of Galanor (up to 50%)
- Super Energy Exotics
- Celestial Nighthawk (precision kills)
- Raiju’s Harness (arc debuffed enemy kills)
- Star-Eater Scales (+2% super energy per orb)
Titan - this list makes me sad
- Super Refund Exotics
- Ursa Furiosa (up to 50%)
- Super Energy Exotics
- Cuirass of the Falling Star (Melee kills while Amplified)
- Doom fang Pauldrons (Void Melee Kills)
- Ursa Furiosa (Unbreakable Damage Block)
- Spirit of the Bear (Unbreakable Damage Block)
- Super Refund Exotics
- Ballidorse Wrathweavers (Buff allies during Super)
- Phoenix Protocol (up to 50%)
- Skull of Dire Ahamkara (up to 50%)
- Stormdancer’s Brace (up to 50%)
- Super Energy Exotics
- Ballidorse Wrathweavers (Buff allies with Frostpulse)
- Geomag Stabilizers (Collect Ionic Traces)
- Mantle of Battle Harmony (weapon kills matching super)
- Skull of Dire Ahamkara (Kills with Devour active)
- Super Regen Exotics
- Crown of Tempests (up to +503% regen rate)
- Nezarec’s Sin (up to +200% regen rate)
- Passive Regen: Maintain 30 Intellect. More is a waste. Less is a penalty. 20 Intellect at the bare minimum.
- Exotic Primaries, especially kinetic ones, are the most efficient for super regen from damage and defeats.
- Roaming super buff only applies to Damage and Defeats.
- In Ability focused builds lean on Hands-On and Ashes to Assets.
- In all builds, make as many orbs as you can!
- Exotics can outshine every other source of super energy when used correctly.
- Exotics do need to work the rest of your build and the content.
That is the guide. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.