Do we REALLY need to be sending sweaty whispers over Seasonal Activities?
Just tried to do Court of Blades for the first time-twice. While trying to figure out mechanics and what was even going on in the activity. Both times had people rushing the intermissions where it explains modifiers and buying buffs, shooting and sending whispers. One guy was at least polite, just clearly annoyed enough to send a whole message. Another was very much not and got reported.
If it were like a raid or dungeon or something, sure, send messages berating people for not knowing if you must (I still think you shouldn’t do it then, but I get it at least.) But like…guys. It’s seasonal activities. It’s not that deep. There is no need to be assholes or even impatient in seasonal matchmade activities.
Now we wait to get downvoted, Inb4 “it’s so easy there’s no excuse not to figure it out on your first attempt”