Get 100% completion for your characters' milestones & bounties every week
Problem: Do you ever log in and wonder what you still need to finish on all your characters? Maybe you know you want to do all the weekly milestones, or you want to make sure you finish your banshee bounties on all your characters. Maybe you're like me and your memory is horrible, and wish you could look at a status page for everything you care about and nothing you don't care about?
Solution: Working with original creator /u/dweezil22, I have just added a todo-tracker to D2 Checklist. The page features a complete list of all the milestones and bounties available to your characters. Each activity shows its completion status and/or expiration time to help you optimize your day when you log in. Make sure you filter out anything you don't care about, and then you can sort the list however you want to help prioritize certain types of bounties/milestones.
Check it out here!
Filter out things you don't care about. For me, I don't include Shaxx bounties because I don't care if I finish them on all my characters. I still pick them up if I'm playing crucible, but the only stuff in my list is stuff that I WANT to finish for all my characters. Right now the filters work in a way where an activity needs to pass the activity TYPE and REWARD filters you have set. If you don't care about the rewards, but know exactly what you want to do, then I would recommend not filtering out anything based on rewards. Instead, filter out the activities or bounties you don't want to do.
Customizing filters
You can customize the filters to get your own set of activities you care about. To toggle a filter on or off, just click on the filter and it will turn on/off. You can move large groups of filters by using the quick filter buttons at the bottom of each box. Your work is saved! When you refresh your screen, your latest filter and sort settings are reloaded*!
The grid is sort-able by all of its columns. Descriptions for what each column does is at the bottom of the page. You can also multi-sort by any amount of columns. If I'm trying to clean out important bounties for a character, I like to use the character column sort, which prioritizes in-progress activities/bounties.
Sorting by reward (helpful for milestones)
Sorting by reward works very similar to the milestone page sort. The rewards are sorted by what tier and type the gear drop is. You can use this to easily check if you've done everything you can to grind your light level.
If I just logged infor the day, usually I want to group my bounties so I know what to pick up or start working on. I use multisort to make my list easier to read. (First sorting by the icon column, which groups bounties together by vendor, descending so that bounties are above milestones. Second, sorting by the details, which separates weekly and daily bounties. Third by my character's progress, which shows me the bounties I haven't picked up all in a group)
Compact view
Compact view is more of a power user mode. More data fits on the same screen since the rows are more compact. It's not as pretty, but it's more functional. (this is usually how I view the page)
Other Stuff
As with previous posts about D2Checklist, the site is NOT doing anything nefarious with your data. The authentication with Bungie to view certain pages (like this one) is to access profile-protected endpoints like the vendors endpoint (needed to build the bounty list). If you still aren't convinced, the whole site is open source, which is how I was able to contribute. If you want to look at the code for yourself, go look at it!
Question, feature request, problem? How do I get in touch?
I am still actively working on this page and have plans to add lots of small features and tweaks in the future. If you have any complaints or want to see something added either to this page, or to the site as another separate feature, please reach out via any of the following methods!
- Comment below, or
- /r/destinychecklistnet the sub for the site
- You can msg me or /u/dweezil22 directly on reddit, or reach out on Twitter @D2Checklist
- You can file an issue on the D2Checklist github repo