To celebrate Gjally day, will give Reddit award to every comment that says Gjallarhorn
Let’s go
or LEZGOOOOOOOO as popular Roblox strimmers on The Youtube would say
Jk I don’t know what a strimmer is or Roblox for that matter
Ok I underestimated the speed here, my phones crashed twice and my wrist is already hurting more than Crotas face after being spammed with Gjallarhorn
For those new to the Rocket Launcher awesome that is Gjallarhorn imagine a Rocket Launcher being so OP it’s basically Anarchy celotaped to a Falling Star Titan with Chaos Reach shooting out its arse while invis with tethers out the mouth and constant bleak watcher nades flying from the tits
When it is explodes tiny Overload Champion SCREEBS come out and explode some more all over your targets face
That’s Gjally and it was magnificent
Can we hit 420 Eternal Blazon?
Ok for real I can’t keep up with this, Reddit has crashed 4 times for me now and I need to make Food
Chorizo and Cod for those interested
Yes it does have Bacon bits on it
Bungie Replied Team, Gjally returns in Witch Queen confirmed
I’m definitely running out of coins here you absolute mad Guardian lads