Two Questions about quests: The Parasite/Operation Elbrus
So I have already fully beat the legendary campaign on two different characters: my main (warlock) and my alt (hunter)
I already have done the parasite quest on my warlock and I have also done the Operation Elbrus quest.
I am on my Hunter now and I never got the start of the exotic quest for the parasite..? Ikora isn't even in the Enclave anymore for me. I also check the lost quests thing in the tower and it is not there.
Second quest: Operation Elbrus.
I am on step 1 out of 28 where you need to gain psychogenic intel to learn about the Lucent Hive's plans. Says to gather intel by completing "The Witch Queen" campaign missions in the Throne World and can also be found in public events, strikes, Crucible, Gambit, and other activities.
I have ran a few extra campaign missions, played a strike, did crucible, and public events but im still 0/500 Psychogenic Intel????
Am I missing something orrrr is this bugged.
Any help between the two would be AWESOME! THANK YOU!!!