Confident or Creep??
In the last 30 days,i hv approached two girls in real life . i hv never done this before. Girl 1: was in saree & hijab (dangerous combinaton😍😍) had a very clear, transparent & beautiful set of eye . I went up to her. I was shaking tbh. I complemented her eyes,she nodded then i said, "may i get to know better?" She softly said, No. I left. (খুউব লজ্জা আর ইনসিকিউর লাগছিল,লজ্জায় আমার মুখ কান একদম গরম আর লাল হয়ে গিয়েছিল) 2nd one: i noticed her she(Y) noticed me. Her smile nd the way she talked arrested my attention. So after scuffling with my courage i went & found her frnd(x) (Y went for food by then) i tried to break the ice.(i was shaking Again tbh) Complemented both of them. I told that x was a good listener as i noticed. X Smiled. X was cool. At one point i asked x, was Y available? X smiled and replied that maybe not. Tho x encouraged me to talk to Y by myslef. I said, you both are lovely lady, just pass my complements and concerns to X when she comes back. And she did. But unfortunately when i went to Y, she smiled & said,"NO". I nodded & left.
I saw a post in this sub about random guy approaching girls. And many girls are calling the guyz,creeps.
I mean, id get it. Why creep?
My heart found someone desirable and i thought i should let her know that which i eventually did in a respectable manner.
Now, i am creep?
Okay,then how should i approach someone? Please share your valuable insights.