Let down by Journey Into Imagination and Finding Nemo at EPCOT
Hey all! I just came back from an amazing trip with friends and I still am really sad by how let down I was by Journey Into Imagination with Figment and the Finding Nemo ride at EPCOT!
Preface to say that I'm a pretty big fan of the parks (grew up going to DL) and this was my first time at DW. We had a fantastic time and visited all 4 parks! EPCOT as a whole was beautiful, we loved Spaceship earth, and Guardians knocked our socks off!
But Journey Into Imagination was just... sad?
Why did the Imagineers choose to make Figment more of a jerk than mischievous? He could have been showing imagination by making cool things appear, giving the professor butterfly wings, making us smell chocolate cake instead of mint...
Why is the ride so empty?? Yes the animatronics of Figment were super cute but there were several parts of the ride with just... gears and pipes and nothing. Compare this to the Pandora ride with stuff on both sides of the track, little bugs moving, lush backgrounds... it was extremely disappointing. The optical illusion of the butterfly was neat, but easy to miss- and why weren't there... ten more things like that? Why just... ONE???
I felt the same way about the Finding Nemo ride. I was expecting something more like Tigger's Abyss in the Winnie the Pooh ride- Nemo popping out from behind sea weeds and popping back into hiding, an adventure for kids to point out, "there he is!" "now he's over THERE!" instead of ... screens on a loop that you scrolled past.
Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely a Disney lover but wow, the magic really felt lessened in these two particular incidences. What is the general consensus on these rides?