Conjure Animals 2024 confusion
1) Do you have to move on your turn in order to move the pack? It seems weird that even if you are already in place to do what you want to do on that turn (such as continue attacking an enemy while you're in wild shape), you still have to do a needless little 5 foot move in order to count as moving on your turn and be able to move the pack.
2) Does the pack have to move in order to trigger the damage against enemies? It seems weird that it could already be in place within 10 feet of an enemy but in order to trigger the damage on a new turn, it has to just needlessly move backwards a bit or something so it can then freshly move within 10 feet of the enemy in order to trigger the damage.
3) The spell specifies that an enemy can only be attacked by it once per turn, but doesn't say anything about the pack attacking multiple enemies per turn.
3A) if there are multiple enemies close enough so that the pack can move within 10 feet of them at once, does it attack them both?
3B) this one seems ridiculous but I'm not sure the rules actually rule against it. Since movement can be spread between actions – you can use some of your movement, take an action and then use the rest of your movement afterwards in the same turn – can the pack take "multiple movements" in one turn to just move about attacking different enemies by moving within 10 feet of them before moving towards another? Or does it have to end its "turn" within 10 feet of an enemy to attack them? If it can do this weird strat, would that also require the player character to move, stop, move, etc?
Im tired rn so maybe I'm missing stuff but it feels like this spell is a little unclear/awkward. I feel like it would make sense to either make it a BA to move the pack or just say its a free action on your turn rather than being when you move, and I feel like it would make more sense to say that the pack can attack/attacks when you end your turn rather than describing it as just happening when the pack moves (and when an enemy ends its turn in range/enters range).