Help contribute to / complete a song for my bard please! (already in progress)

You'll know what I'm going for once you read it. The gist is, as part of my backstory, I'm looking for who (or even what) my father is, and I hate him for leaving (even if it wasn't his fault, DMs discretion). I'd like to have a decent song that I can use throughout the campaign because bard. I realize that most of it is just insulting my mom, but still (sorry mom). I'm open to all edits/changes/advice:

Mother was a harpy,
Boy she could really sing.
She always brought the boys home,
So she could get a fling.

I don’t know who my dad is,
I’m really out of luck.
I only blame my mom though,
'Cuz she really likes to -

Buck was just a bugbear,
For one, he was quite small.
I thought he was my father,
Because my hairy -

Fireballs are spells,
That wizards always hunt.
I'm looking for that one guy
Who abused my mothers' -

Hunters can use weapons,
Even improv just a rock.
If I ever find my dad,
I'll punch him in his cock.

- Again I appreciate and constructive criticism. I understand the first verse doesn't play in to censorship theme but I really just enjoy the line "My mother was a harpy, boy she could really sing". I'm sure similar things have been done but I swear I've come this far on my own. I just wouldn't mind more lol (and thanks).