Forced to Death.

I have another post here about a different campaign; this campaign is not apart of that session.

I am in a group of people. I really like the people, I enjoy the fun moments and interactions that we have. But what the **** do I do when my character dies due to another player's bad choices?

My character is lawful good. He does everything in his power not to kill or harm unless attacked or proven unholy. He, unfortunately, is hired by a corrupted government agency, (That my character DOES NOT KNOW is corrupted.) and he follows all the rules given, never biting off more than he can chew. This recent session, my character had about 5-6 interactions with the group. (Grab something off a shelf)(Recovery from major injury)(Talking to a bartender who was a roll-playing guest seeing if they want to get into DnD)(Lore: discovering someone in our party is an unholy vampire... Who gets executed in the next scene.)(An interrogation on the disruption of said public executing.)(And final standings before my character gets executed to be as a scape-goat for the corrupted government)

How my character was executed, was cause player character decided to disrupt the public execution and the party was sent to jail. In jail, my player character finds archenemy with the 'good guys'. Same player character that decided to disrupt the public execution says that it be best to kill my character due to the intense hated of archenemy. My character with no way to fight back, and classically dies. My character is then brought back, was told: "Hey! Follow us! The people who tried to kill you!", "Hey, break your moral, noble code, and escape from the prison!". or "You may or may not die from corrupted government if you stay." Best case scenario, my character gets all of his gear back, and now is part of the government who is after my character's enemies. Worse case scenario, execution. If you guessed that I got the worse case scenario? Great! My character dies and has little-to no chance to escaping and keep living.

My character dies, I tell the party to not expect me to come to the next session, and I leave the table.

My DM talked to me, online, about letting my character come back in as another race (Pretty much any race) for the final session of the campaign. I accepted, but I'm wondering if I should even show up? These sessions have been getting less and less fun. About every session (For the past 8 sessions) the amount the Player Characters dying is at least one. From what I remember... there have been a total of 10 player characters have either died for forced to be abandoned in the recent 4 sessions. (Each session is about 6 to 9 hours long. So about 1 player character 'dies' every 3 hours) (From session 4-6 I roll played three different characters.) 4-A soldier fighter who dies from fighting a dragon. Died due to stupidity on my side. 5-A cleric. I casted Guiding Bolt with no prior knowledge that spells are LETHAL ONLY. (I've only played barbarians, fighters, and the time I played a bard, I was really under leveled with no spells. I've used damage dealing magic while playing as the bard.) So the cleric got no take back-sies, and was sentence to exile. 6. Last, I played a paladin who survived session 6 and the next!... Only to die in this session for being 'too in character.'