Unresolved Character Syndrome
So, get this. You’re in the middle of a campaign, the tension has been ratcheted up, your party is just hitting its stride, the in-jokes are running, everyone’s hitting a good power level, and then suddenly, it ends?
Like the DM has had to go away, or has lost interest, or one of the players quit?
Has anyone in this situation found themselves okay with it, at the point where the campaign ends, but suddenly find themselves, sometimes years later, revisiting the out of game chat, the art, and imagining what the rest of the campaign might have been?
Just me?
And the worst part?
Not having the power to resolve the characters’ story.
Does anyone still feel there are unfinished characters somewhere within them? I have one, and every so often he just pops up in my mind, and I get super nostalgic, and a little bit heartbroken for him.
Call me sentimental, but I’d like to hear your stories of your unfinished characters…