Iowa Dobermann "breeder" has 59 dogs seized after deplorable conditions found at his kennel. Topical question: Are strict regulations needed for dog breeders? Is the situation with bad breeders at the point where strong government intervention and controls are called for?
This hits close to home, since I have a home in Iowa only about two hours from this guy's kennel. Thankfully these dogs are now in the care of the ARL (Animal Rescue League). The ARL has a location right near my home and I am strongly thinking of volunteering to help them out or even adopting one. Poor dogs. Here is a description from the news story.
The alleged mistreatment was brought to light when a prospective dog owner responded to Yoder's advertisement in a local publication. The person said they visited the property earlier in March and noticed about 50 dogs that allegedly didn't have access to food and their water was frozen.
The concerned customer told authorities that they allegedly noticed "a large amount of feces and urine about" in the kennels. Some animals were allegedly "covered in feces."
Several dogs were allegedly observed with mites and "what appeared to be open sores." The dogs' bone structures were able to be "predominantly observed," according to police.