dog fight advice

i have 2 GSD, a 3 month old pup and a 5 year old. the 5 year old is a military service dog, so he is very well trained and highly socialized. never has the 5 year old started something, it’s always another dog that starts an altercation.

anyways, we went to a dog park today and this brown lab/doodle mix was somewhat trained by their owner but obviously not socialized well.

i’ve been to plenty of dog parks and seen plenty of dogs. when a dog walks in like he owns the place and is an asshole to others, i know something may happen and i usually leave.

i should have left before but i didn’t. i wanted my dogs to enjoy themselves because they were having a lot of fun with other dogs.

the brown lab/doodle mix was running and created a run with all the other dogs, my 3 month old puppy is fast, so he was right behind him. i guess the brown lab didn’t like it, so he attacked my pup and pummeled him on the ground. the 5 year old stepped in and tried to stop it but the brown doodle went for his side and started to try to bite him on the ground.

it was a mess, and the brown lab/doodles owner tried to blame it on my puppy for running after his dog.

there were other dog owners there and they all told him it was not my dogs fault, we had been there for 30 minutes before he showed up and nothing happened. the other dog owners argued with him and told him that his dog was obviously not socialized well and it could have escalated.

i understand my puppy and know he gets into other dogs personal spaces and needs to learn, and i always pull him away when he does. but his dog attacked both of my GSD’s. the 5 year old couldn’t get up because the doodle rammed him to the ground and held him down, i couldn’t step in and others had to pull them away from each other.

i left after that, because other dog owners helped me with my dogs and checked them for me while i was grabbing my 5 year old, another dog owner was massaging my puppy to check for bite marks. seeing as they were both walking fine, no limping, and no bleeding, i left.

was there something more i should have done? is there advice from someone who has been in a situation like that before? i feel like i should have been more assertive or careful and i feel like a terrible dog mom for not having left earlier when i saw that dogs attitude. i feel like i should have asked for the owners phone number or something in case there is internal problems or something but i didn’t. i just left and now i feel awful.

please let me know of any advice or suggestions on how to handle a situation like that if god forbid it happens again.