Does anyone know what this is??
Willow soon to (July) 3yr old Corgi/boxer mix (if that info is helpful at all) Willow started having this issue right after turning 1. I’ve talked to the vet and he said, “Corgis are lickers, just watch her and make it a priority to break her from habit.” My husband and I do our best, but she is smart and when she hears us coming she stops.. we catch her on pup cam and tell her, “No chewing/licking go get a chewy toy, Mr. Fishy or Mr. Squirrel (No hard chewies since we aren’t present) and she does ❤️ Around 2 years old, Willow started scratching her ears BAD, took her to a different vet and they said she had yeast in her ears 😢🤯 Willow received treatment flushed her ears and gave her a rx for fungal ear flushing & Benadryl for 10 days. I asked if that’s why her back feet and bottom looks like a rust/bloody colored.. they said, “No, Willow is very stressed anxiety ridden 2yr old so she licks to soothe herself” So not a corgi/boxer situation?? Was offered a rx for treatment but decided to decline since she is only 2.. my first puppy ever, every puppy is fun/wild the first couple of years.. right?? Or No?? Did I make a mistake not taking the rx??
I know I shouldn’t diagnose from Google but all the signs are saying yeast.
if I could get some advice so I can help relieve her from constantly licking/pain. 2 years of this.. I should also mention it calms down/disappears in the warmer months (Oregon) so not many of those lol.
Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated ❤️ ALSO how should I approach the veterinarian to better advocate for Willow?? I am Myself is a stressed anxious person.. I feel Willow is not a stressed anxious dog ❤️