Dog likes playing fetch and retrieving but teases me with the ball after making it not fun for me.

My freshly 1-year old goldendoodle loves fetching. She loves chasing the ball and catching it and bringing it back.

But when she brings it back, she acts like she's letting me have it and as soon as I reach for it she pulls it away. She drops it when I tell her to (after asking a few times) but will ALWAYS try to tease me first.

I don't know if it's resource guarding because if I ignore the teasing she will put her mouth (with the ball in it) on my lap until I try to reach for it, then she pulls away again. If I ignore this for about a minute, she drops the ball right in front of me and waits for me to throw it again.

I want to play fetch with my girl but she makes it so frustrating for me that I can't manage to throw the ball more than 3 or 4 times. Any tips on getting her to drop the ball and stop the teasing?