any bets on the dark ages featuring us killing this guy??
from what i can tell the dark ages story will essentially be us playing through the 2016 slayers testaments, and there are various titan fight scenes featured in the reveal, but one where doom fellow ISNT in an atlan mech but is jumping onto a titan with his shield… i bet thats this guy, because holy FUCK would thay be cool. especially since im pretty sure TDA would take place at a similar time to when this guy was killed too
from what i can tell the dark ages story will essentially be us playing through the 2016 slayers testaments, and there are various titan fight scenes featured in the reveal, but one where doom fellow ISNT in an atlan mech but is jumping onto a titan with his shield… i bet thats this guy, because holy FUCK would thay be cool. especially since im pretty sure TDA would take place at a similar time to when this guy was killed too