If they ever make a DA5, which characters from Veilguard would you like to come back? (as cameos or companions).
As a cameo I would love a romanced Lucanis coming back and telling me what he been up to: have him and Rook shacked up at his mansion? Have they been popping out babies all over Antiva?
As companions I have a very specific vision: Vorgoth and Rowan (the seer). In particular, I want Vorgoth to be possessing a dead body: his main quest could be him stuck in the body and trying to figure out what he really his, before it decomposes? (I know it sounds weird, but I think it could work).
Meanwhile, I really find the idea of seers in Dragon Age to be interesting, and I think Rowan and Vorgoth could have fun banter on how they view spirits.