Shooting - WTF
WTF has happened to players ability to shoot on target and score goals since the update to DLS 24?
Playing same front three of Neymar (96) Ronaldo (98) and Messi (99) and the fuckers can’t hit the target since the update. Amount of side netting shots is ridiculous.
Whereas before I’d win every career game by 6 or more goals if not double digits, now it’s by the odd goal.
Same number of shots per game, just the players can’t hit the goal or when they do, goalkeepers turned into Clark Kent!!
In Live matches where I’d usually score quite often, I now see my strikers hit double digits for shots but not getting on target.
It seems like DLS turned the difficulty knob all the way to 11 and the slightest touch or power and it’s a miss.
What’s everyelse doing?