Wife died in dream and then I died maybe

I'll start by saying, for only sleeping about 6 hours last night this was one of the most intense and long dreams I've ever had.

The dream kicks off with my wife in a fatal car accident. My kids and I mourn for months, I start going back to work. I go to a new gym that is the size of a large mall and is owned by Elon Musk. Kids and I adapt to this new lifestyle, and I start hanging out at the gym more and more. I skip work some days to go workout.

Well eventually a cute girl catches my eye and I just wave to her etc. I never talk to her at the gym. I see her around town and we wave and smile. Never talk.

One morning I decided to go workout before school, tell my kids to make sure they're ready for school and not miss the bus, and off I go. After a long workout I'm sore, I get in the showers and then someone gets in with me. It's the woman. I tell her to please leave but she won't, and she starts rubbing me. Being a single father I let her continue, then I go to work.

The next morning she's waiting for me at the gym and she's there again, I tell her I can't do this at the gym. She meets me in the parking lot and we make love for the first time.

I skip the gym because the whole thing is bothering me, and I go at a weird hour the next day. She's there waiting and honestly I'm happy to see her. I don't even workout, we go in the steam room together and make love.

Well apparently Elon Musk has a crush on her. He kicks me out of the gym the next day. Sues me for ruining his gym. My face is on every newscast. He wants me dead.

The woman appears at my house. And we talk about how I'm a wanted dead man, and I'm happy to see her. Even though I don't know her name, she's someone I can trust in this situation. I ask her to stay the night. She agrees, and we make love again. This time she's on top of me and explains Elon has always hated me and he's paying her billions to get rid of me. She pulls a gun out, sticks it in my mouth.

I woke up as she was pulling the trigger. I lived full days. And feel like transported in time during that dream. I woke up exhausted. If anyone has analysis for this, I'd love to hear it. Thanks!