Just got banned for 6 months
EDIT roblox support said they can’t do anything about it since I violated their TOS. I ended up buying custom makeup, run faster and VIP for my new account (thankfully wasn’t overcharged LMAO actually no money was taken out of my account at all??😭) and I guess I’ll just restart now. It’s actually not so bad. The hardest part is collecting the pink cash to get all the shop items, specifically 6,000 cash for the valentines pose pack and however much for the queen of hearts set- those become unavailable in a couple weeks >.<
I was banned for “unauthorized/disputed charges” lol. I gifted someone custom makeup the other day and was under the impression that would cost $5.
I got 2 separate charges. One was for $5, and the other was for $10. So I disputed the $10 on reportaproblem.apple.com because I didn’t know what that was for. The refund was approved, but I didn’t receive it yet.
Apparently I just didn’t read properly and maybe it does cost $15 to gift someone custom makeup???
I’m so heartbroken. I’m going to miss out on all of the limited time codes and quest items in the next 6 months. I have such fomo I don’t want to see people wear outfits I can’t wear when I start playing again. I might just not play anymore. I’m almost certain that there’s nothing I can do to get my account back.
I’ve spent so much money on this game. I have all the Robux clothing items, and all of the game passes. I was paying monthly VIP for like 5 months before I finally got permanent VIP. And now I’m banned because I disputed ONE charge because I thought they overcharged me