First & LAST mdma trip

So a couple years ago I accidentally took Mdma And let’s just say I was tripping balls. I was at a hotel with my then boyfriend waiting on him in the lobby, as he approached me I stood up and that’s when it started. It caught me off guard.

My heart started beating fast for like 5secs & then I started hallucinating. He was standing right in front of me but I couldn’t visually see him. I started hearing music and the area around me was white, but the hotel looked as if I was in Roblox. I picked up my phone which felt and LOOKED like a block. I could hear my boyfriend asking me what I took but I couldn’t even respond back.

He eventually left me in the lobby alone terrible guy and I had to sit at a table bent over head in my lap and talk myself down. It felt as if I was going to be stuck in my head & wouldn’t come back, something just kept saying “bye”. So repeatedly I started telling myself to snap out of it, It eventually stopped. When I snapped back into reality I checked my phone and I sent a lot of texts that made no sense, even emailed my job. Looked in the mirror my hair was all over the place & it looked as if I was pulling out my lash extensions. After that I was scared asf so I went to an urgent care to do a blood test and it definitely came back as MDMA.

The past 3 days after that I was still a little shaken up, just thinking ike what if I was still stuck like that I would be a vegetable. So yeah never again 💀