I never smoked (weed), what do I need to know

I (now19) was always curious how it was to smoke a joint, only my girlfriend (now17) did it many times which I definitely didn’t like so she stopped for me an knows I really don’t want it happening (mostly because of the fact that she was really young)

I told her that I really want to try it but won’t do it because she also doesn’t do it because of me.

Anyway we talked a bit (drugs is a really big deal for me, never tried drugs) and we came to an agreement to smoke one joint together next Friday.

But my question is, can you get a good high with sharing one single joint together, because if I won’t feel much I probably want to do it again because nothing really happend and I want to pretend that.

I also don’t know what sort of joint she will get because I have no idea what is much etc. Just a pre rolled joint from the cofeshop

So to be clear, my question is can you get a good high from 1/2 joint.

Like.. I smoke sigaretes, and you don’t just smoke half a sigarete. I understand it’s different but you might understand me as well😂

Also, what is a good place to smoke, I don’t want to do it on the streets because I know a lot of people in my area and I’m just not a type that will hang around on the streets. But also don’t want to do it in my house or garage because I thing my dad will smell it. He won’t be mad but I just don’t really want him to know.

Thanks in advance!😁