Unable to see for 6 weeks
Hey y'all. I'm new here and I wish I wasn't xD
I got dry eyes for around 5 to 6 weeks now, so severe that I literally sit in my completely darkened room for 16 hours a day listening to audiobooks. For over a month and I'm slowly turning crazy.
I had a conjunctivitis that may have caused it, but I only had it for around 3 weeks, the other 2 to 3 weeks are just dry eyes and pain. I used antibiotic eye drops from my doctor for the conjunctivitis and a gel for it to heal faster. Now I only use hyaluron acid drops. Not sure if they help, though. I started using omega3/fish oil supplements 3 days ago and take my vitamin supplements of all sorts since I read (on this sub) that a vitamin deficiency could be the issue. I also got LPR/acid reflux and a recent flare up.
Now, to my question: I work at my PC all day usually and I sit in front of it all day either. Don't get me wrong, I love it, and I need it since I can't do other work. Is there any hope for it to get better? Do some of you work at their computer? And, most importantly, does it even make sense to darken my room entirely and not look at computers?
Anything is helpful. Thanks and have a great day.