How can I find online storefronts that sell/give away their dumpster dive finds?
Hi everyone, while I'm interested in diving, I currently don't have enough resources to do it often (no vehicle of my own, containers, etc). I've done some when I worked in retail and rescued some catalogues, promo buttons, and a few toys but never anything big (also pulled from general trash bins, not the dumpster). So I thought I'd support the cause by buying other folks' rescues..but they are hard to find. I understand that, because some people might be disgusted by it and might not want to say their merch was a trash find in their description, but others, like us, who know about the environmental strain throwaway culture has caused, would feel pleased to know they bought something from the dumpster. You can use this thread as your own promo of your resale store on eBay, Depop, Poshmark, or wherever if you like and it fits the bill. Also, any tips on finding rescued trash merchants are welcome too. I keep finding dropshipped dumb stickers and tee-shirts that say "I love dumpster diving" or whatever when I try searching on secondhand sites.