WRC23 is good, but it could be better
After playing for a while now, these are some of the things that I've noticed could maybe be updated or added. Please let me know what you guys think or add other things here as well. I'm very much enjoying WRC23, but I know it can be even better!
• Spectating stages that are in progress upon joining a quick play lobby that has already started. This would be more entertaining than sitting on my phone waiting for people to finish the stage.
• If nobody makes a quick play multi-player lobby, then nobody can join them. I would like to see a better, more streamlined approach to matchmaking.
• It would be nice to see what events are going on in each multi-player lobby without having to join them.
• Sometimes people don't want to play all kinds of different classes of vehicle. I wish there was a way to select which class and which events you want to queue for and get matched with other players that way. The way multi-player is right now is very boring/annoying.
• An easy way of making and testing tunes without having to create a championship. I would like something more along the lines of DirtFish from DiRT Rally 2.0. Open world-ish with the different surface types to mess around on. And maybe on the fly tuning while in there.
• I like the fact that we can bind one action to multiple buttons, but I wish we could change the input bind for pause. On a g29, the share, options, and home buttons are so close that if you need to pause, you just hit all of them, then navigate your way to the actual pause menu.
• Please fix the screen tearing issue, I love the game, but this is actually annoying.
• Clubs are definitely cool, but I wish there was a better way of browsing them on Racenet. I don't know what to search for unless I've seen it. You have to show me other clubs other than the 5 or so official ones.
• Have a bit more robust and thought out social experience with real progression and rank structure, not only game wide but club wide. Make clubs be like actual car clubs but for rallying. Like a clan or guild in other genres of games. They could host their own events within the club and have multiple different championships going at the same time within the one club. Maybe call them leagues, idk.
• When you're tuning slow rebound, the slider doesn't tell you which way is soft and which is firm. Please update this to make it less confusing. Dirt Rally 2.0 has this, so it's kind of weird why it's missing here.