Why does literally everybody play as Real Madrid in Seasons?

Literally 9/10 of my matches are against Real Madrid, like why the fuck is everyone playing as Madrid? Out of the 6 matches ive played today which were obviously all against Madrid, I won every single one as Real Betis, like just play as the fucking team you really want to play as I dont understand why everyone is so brutally inclined to play as Real Madrid as if it actually gives you some insane edge, how fun is it for you guys to always play a mirror match up every single game you queue into?

Maybe if this only happened in like the top couple of divs where the slight edge matters but holy shit bro Ive gone from div 10 to 4 with almost every single one of my opponents playing as Madrid in each division.
I wish so badly there was a feature that let you ban a team to match up against, Seasons has become so stale and boring.