Low res/high res is driving me crazy

TW mention of restriction and caloric intake

A while ago I was diagnosed with anorexia. At the time, I was eating between >! around 300-500 !< calories per day. I began recovery, but am hitting a relapse. Currently, I eat anywhere between >! 600 - 1100 calories a day, but MOST days I am eating about 800 alongside gentle exercise. Here and there I will give myself a "maintenance day" to avoid binging !<

All of this being said, I feel that, despite not eating at my lowest intake, I am relapsing and I want to reach out to my dr. dietician. BUT I feel incredibly invalid in my disorder, esp because I am weight recovered (I know wt doesn't matter, but my ED of course tells me it does). I don't want to "wait" until things get worse. I honestly don't think I can lower my intake any more than I am now. I don't know if it's because I am older or more physical demands, but I could never imagine eating as low as I had been previously again.

I'm driving myself crazy with all this low res vs high res stuff. Does it even matter? Isn't it all restriction? I can't take it. I guess I need someone else to confirm that yes, this is still anorexia/still an ED/not healthy/still can reach out for help.