Help me, I'm losing my mind.

Lately, I've been not enjoying commander as much, noticing that I have a tendency to be either flooded or screwed on lands. This is happening with a lot of decks I build, even though I'm following the best practice of 36-38 lands and somewhere between 6-10 ramp pieces depending on the curve.

Last night, I debuted [[Henzie]] and while it was able to eventually get going it was mana screwed turns 3-5. When I goldfished the deck, I found a lot of times being either flooded or screwed, and only maybe 30% of the time having a hand that curves well. And I'm noticing this in a lot of my decks lately.

What do y'all do to help with smoothing out your mana base to avoid being flooded/screwed and when you are, to cycle out the cards you don't need for additional card advantage? Surveil/scry sounds like a possibility, more draw (although again, Henzie should be drawing cards if he can get going), or land tutors. Are there any other aspects or archetypes I should be looking at to fix this issue?