ENFP Rant About Clingers, Weirdos, Losers & Gatekeeping Your Energy (Exercising Fi)🗣️📢🚨🔔‼️
I’ve stopped playing the people pleasing game and I’ve developed my Fi parent and now I’ve let no one in. Maybe you should too. This seems to be the ideal state of an ENFP after a lifetime of Ne use, nonjudgmental attitude., and attractive charismatic personality.
Why? Partially because of the stereotypes that some of us older ENFPs try to fight, namely “I collect introverts”, “I love misfits, weirdo, and the unhinged”, AND partially because normal people turn into obsessive, stalkery, stage 5 clingers, because friendly energy is immediately construed as romantic interest (FOR BOTH GENDERS! 🗣️) and because people will turn you into whatever they want you to be in their life INSTEAD OF taking YOU for WHAT you are. NOT just what you do for THEM.
Now you’re going to say “gatekeep your energy!!!! vet your friends!!!! develop a 6th sense for wrongdoers and leeches!!!” Okay so I’m stone cold and unfriendly until I’m with my friends jumping, laughing, clapping, giggling, etc, and strangers and acquaintances in the vicinity take it VERY personally that I don’t give them the same energy I do with my long time, carefully vetted, loving friends… Ummm SORRY DO I KNOW YOU? Do I know you’re an interesting person? Do I know you’re someone who understands my silliness, fun, and hypotheticals are reserved for those who don’t just see me as their personal clown, their therapist, their only source of conversation? Do I know you’re not gonna see me as the only shred of humanity born to rescue you from an emotionally touch-starved life instead of a real person with real feelings?
Or at a party, wet blanket stage 5 clingers nagging, sulking, throwing a fit that you’re not personally pursuing conversation with them when I’M TRYING TO MEET NEW, INTERESTING PEOPLE WHO GOT SOMETHING GOING ON!!!!!! WOW!!! ATTRACT, DON’T CHASE!!! Someone in the comments is gonna go “wow I wish I had your problems”, hey buddy why don’t you work on yourself, find a hobby, study conversational tempo, ask engaging questions, respond in a way that reflects interest in the conversation, make eye contact, or TRY???? EVEN A LITTLE BIT??? To be a real authentic cool human being??? Instead of latching onto “an extrovert who will adopt me” no, how about you learn ENFPs are people pleasers who study people and learn what makes them tic and that some of us have bad social anxiety that we mask for human validation, because we crave it enough to excel in social domains? And for the ENFPs who say you looove to collect introverts, chew on this:
Could it be they also don't have the same expectations? It might be easier, more interesting, more real, less bravado and less risky? Maybe collecting these people does something for your ego because they’re easy marks who have no choice but to take you for who you are? Maybe it’s hard to please and shine when other extroverts are in the room when really you could be vibing and syncing with some really creative, happy, well-adjusted human beings?
And now I’m stuck being completely dead inside on the outside because of people who are creepy, boring, or need something to fill their life with excitement, energy, or laughter. It’s sick that I have to be like this.
Introverts who ask questions, pay attention to what an ENFP’s interests are, initiate, have something going on in your lives, care to GIVE and TAKE equally, know how to have fun, don’t judge too much, and extroverts who don’t judge, know when to leave an ENFP alone, YOU CAN STAY. The rest of you, GET OFF OF ME.