35m 2mil to invest- VOO/SCHD/QQQ

I have accumulated about 2 million+ in liquid over the 35 years of my life. I already have a good chunk invested in the stocks listed below, but i am going to deploy more in the coming months that i currently have in SGOV earning 4-5%. Trying to retire with 10mil at the age of 50.

What I am currently thinking of doing with $2,000,000 dispersed across these ETFS:

  • 70% VOO (for less risk across the US market)

  • 20% SCHD for edge (in case of down turn)

  • 10% QQQ or XLK (for high growth weight)

Then just forget about it for 15years. Am i taking to much risk here? Do i have realistic expectations of hitting 10 mil. or somewhere near it? Where will i be at in 15 years….

I will have an additional 250k-500k in SGOV at all times for emergency fund.

I also have around 100k across nvidia and apple that i am going to keep as an individual stocks.