CMV: All of the polls about what voters wanted are BS. The only thing they want, and will ever want going forward, is a group to hate, and a politician that promises to hurt that group.

Why people still think Kamala should have been more progressive, less progressive, more this, less that I have no idea. Obviously, to Trump voters, none of the answers they gave in polls about what they wanted were true because they are not getting any of those things, and it doesn't bother them at all. That's because you can't answer the poll with "I enjoy hating people so much that all I want in a politician is someone that will mock, threaten and do harm to those people."

Trying to find some policy that will sway them will never work. It's not about policy.

If the opposition ever wants to have a chance of saving this country they first need a really good enemy to hate. One man, or even one party is not enough. It needs to be people they see often, in everyday life. That's how the GOP makes it work.

Yes, it's dark. It's also the only way. The side of tolerance must learn to hate.

What the GOP does is wrong. Choosing to judge person based on race, gender, country of origin or any other trait that is not a choice of the person being judged is bigotry, and liberals are not bigots. But there is nothing wrong with judging someone based on the content of their character, the choices they do make.

All the the real problems in this country come from one group, over and over again. Housing prices too high? It's the wealthy buying up houses and then renting them back to us for a profit. Homelessness? Wealthy people paid to get heroin legalized (Oxycontin) and then they and a bunch of other rich people got insanely wealthy getting Americans addicted to it. Pandemic price gouging, warmongering, economic collapses, all the wealthy.

Even those wealthy that didn't directly participate in the destruction of our future still profited from it indirectly. I think when people see those graphs showing how much the wealth of the top 10% they don't realize that that is still millions of people. They didn't all do some great thing that earned them the right to have ten times what they did 20 years ago. The truth is that for the most part they got into a very exclusive casino where the things are flipped and the odds are actually in favor of the gambler. It's called the stock market and the only way to get to take real advantage of this casino was to be rich to begin with. People that got their money this way didn't earn it, and if they are unwilling to give it up to fix the problems of this country, then they deserve our hate. So let loose I say. Propaganda. Threats. Baseless accusations and salacious conspiracy theories. Whatever sells. Just do it.

So change my view. Either some of the good guys learn to turn the hate onto those who deserve it, or the wealthy will use hate of the innocent to fool the idiots and bury all of us once and for all.