Bare Minimum Partner During Ectopic
Hope everyone is doing okay, and so thankful to be able to have a community to talk to.
Currently still waiting for my hCG to be at 0 after the methotrexate shot. Overall the journey to get to this point was over a month and hopefully it won't be much longer from here, knowing that some women could experience this for months. (sending you so much love for those going through this or gone through it.)
What I need advice or just a soundboard about is the guy who was involved in this pregnancy. (dating only for 2 months before our accidental pregnancy so we are not official but monogamous)
Early on he said he would be here every step of the way, I can reach out whenever I needed him, that I'm not alone in this, he would financially take care of this entire thing so I wouldn't have to stress more than I needed to. All great and supportive things I needed to hear when I saw the positive pregnancy test.
Doctor appointment after appointment he wouldn't reach out to me, but I had to reach out to him. All romance left the building and all our text exchanges were minimal - from taking the failed mifepristone, to even the day I had the aspiration done - he promised he'd call me after the procedure to check on me, but the day got away from him. So there I was feeling so vulnerable, alone, all vaccumed out, but here this guy couldn't even pick up the phone to ask if I'm okay..
I told him this feels like you're just treating me like I just got my wisdom teeth pulled.
This entire ectopic journey has felt so debilitating just hoping I don't do anything to possibly rupture it - not to mention being fully available at any time to go in and get blood drawn, getting the aspiration (if roles were reversed, I know he would be freaking out to do all these medical things at a drop of a hat).
He hasn't texted me in over a week which is roughly about the time I was getting my 7 day blood drawn after the shot. Should I even reach out to him when I'm officially not pregnant/hCG at 0? I keep going back and forth between blocking him, crying about how he wasn't here, or just even proceeding as just friends and keeping the open communication.
A lot of this is complicated but at least there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel, but regardless of that light he hasn't even bothered to ask how I'm doing so should I even bother reaching out at all to him? I know he probably deserves the decency but also does he?
Thank you to anyone who read all of this, I'm so proud of myself to have gone this entirely on my own (with my best girlfriend by my side) but I still have this deep hopeless romantic side that wishes things had turned out differently. My life has completely changed but I don't think he even realizes half the crap I went through. From protestors yelling at me driving into the clinic, to waiting there alone for the aspiration, to even taking the pregnancy test alone, I went through all this and he just gets to walk away like his life wasn't altered?