Unfinished DLC
Am i the only one who thinks the dlc is kinda unfinished and empty?
Some of the things i noticed:
They used the black shadow enemies too much. From the first steps of the dlc, through the whole shadow keep, in the ruins of Rauh. Just everywhere.
Dragons are just reused and placed randomly. They couldve at least make them more unique (Not talking about bayle)
NO cutscenes for 6 of 10 bosses, no secound healthbars, nothing.
I also feel like a lot of lore and answers were left out. Bosses and notable things are just placed randomly
Nothing happens after you beat Radahn, only a short cutscene that didnt satisfy. You cant do anything cool at the divine gate.
*The red and blue flower areas are TOO EMPTY, a lot of wasted potential with only reused bosses and little notable things.
*Shaman village iss BEAUTIFUL with such cool music, but again, nothing to do there.
*Why is there even a tree there? Whats the point with the Avatar? Theres absolutely nothing there besides a boss without a cutscene.
The dlc was great and absolutely worth the money, but maybe for me as a diehard fan of both the game and lore, i was hoping for more. To me it just didnt feel like a finished product and i couldve waited 6 more months for more.
These are some of my personal opinions, please feel free to discuss with me.
Sry for bad english.