Has anybody seen if the Dualtron Popular can use the Dualtron Thunder 3 tubeless tires+rim?
Dualtron Popular has a weird, funky tire size at 70/50-6.1. It is also tubed so it is a disappointment because I much prefer the self-healing tubeless for scooter tires. Looking around, I noticed that minimotors has a 10x2.7 tubeless tire/rim combo for the Dualtron Thunder 3 on the website.
I emailed and asked them if it would fit they said no it would not but as we all know, what stores officially say won't fit and what can actually fit are two different things. I also asked them why they don't have Dualtron Popular spare parts listed on their website, I just got the generic we have all the parts but just haven't listed them.
Another alternative I have contemplated is buying some of the 9" self-healing tires showing up now and sealing the split rim with silicone/tape but I am not sure if I want to go that far.